Your Breasts Cause Physical Discomfort
Do you experience back, neck, or shoulder pain from the heavy weight of your breasts? Do you suffer from frequent headaches or get painful indentations from bra straps digging into your shoulders? Many women with exceptionally large breasts suffer from discomfort that affects their overall health and quality of life. Breast reduction surgery can help alleviate these physical issues.
If you have tried other more conservative solutions, like physical therapy, massage, chiropractic adjustments, or prescription pain and anti-inflammatory medications, without lasting relief, then reduction surgery may be the next step to finding comfort. During a consultation, you can explain the extent of your discomfort to our surgeon to see if breast reduction could be beneficial.
Your Breasts Are Disproportionate to Your Frame
Some women naturally develop extremely large breasts that seem out of balance with the rest of their petite or average-sized figures. If this disproportion applies to you, breast reduction surgery may help you finally achieve aesthetic proportions.
During your consultation, discuss your goals for size and shape at length. Our experienced board-certified plastic surgeon can advise you on projected outcomes to conservatively reduce your breast volume to a smaller cup size that alleviates discomfort while still retaining a feminine, proportional shape.
Your Breast Size Makes You Feel Self-Conscious
In some cases, the psychological burden and self-consciousness from overly large pendulous breasts is enough reason to pursue breast reduction surgery, even without physical symptoms. Carrying exceptionally heavy breasts can severely hamper self-confidence, restrict clothing choices, and make it exceedingly difficult to be active, exercise, or pursue hobbies.
During your initial consultation, be very open about the emotional impact your breast size has on your self-image and lifestyle. Our skilled, empathetic plastic surgeon will take these personal concerns into consideration when evaluating if you are a good candidate for surgery.
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you relate to any of the deciding factors above, breast reduction may significantly improve your comfort, ease pain, expand your fashion options, and boost your confidence. Take control by scheduling a consultation with Donna Krummen, MD FACS Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, today at 513-985-0850 in Cincinnati, Ohio, to schedule an appointment so that we can discuss your candidacy for this life-enhancing procedure thoroughly.