Laser Treatments in Cincinnati, OH

Laser Hair Removal

The best thing in the cosmetic industry this turn of the century! Laser hair removal with the state of the art Lightsheer Diode Laser is a great way to eliminate unwanted hair on the following areas: Face, Chest, Back, Legs, Bikini.  It is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments not just in Cincinnati but all around the globe.

A series of three treatments is recommended to send unwanted hair away for good! Session time varies in length depending on the size of the area to be treated.

IPL Laser Treatment

Skin rejuvenation treatment with the Ellipse IPL helps you keep a younger and fresher look. The safe, visible light emitted from the IPL makes your face look younger by removing age spots and diffusing redness, as well as improving your skin’s texture.

Uneven pigmentation that gives away age, is also reduced. The procedure occurs right here in our office in about an hour. Mild skin discoloration is common as the uneven skin pigment flakes off in the days following the treatment. There is no down time involved with this procedure.  A series of treatments is recommended for maximum benefit.


Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser Treatment

When a more dramatic improvement is called for, the Fractioned CO2 laser treatment series delivers!  Fractional or “pixilated” carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers are one of the latest advances in non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments. The CO2 laser has the longest wavelength of all the lasers on the market and can even be used safely on darker skin types, with appropriate adjustments in the settings.

Fractional CO2 lasers excel at treating deeper wrinkles, more severe textural changes from sun damage, wrinkles, blotchiness, acne scars, and surgical or traumatic scars. It can be used on the delicate eyelid skin and around the mouth.

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How Does Fractional CO2 Laser Work?

The fractional CO2 laser takes the CO2 laser beam and fractionates, or pixelates that beam into thousands of tiny little shafts of light. These tiny shafts of light penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The skin then repairs those tiny shafts by pushing out the old sun damaged skin and replacing it with new skin. The “collateral” heat damage also helps to shrink existing collagen.

This in-office treatment is performed to do the following:

  • Stimulate firmer, healthier skin
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve overall skin tone and texture

The treatment does require a topical or injectable anesthetic for comfort during the procedure.  This procedure will require down time post-procedure. A typical recovery from the CO2 laser can be up to 7 days.

A consultation with Dr. Krummen can answer your questions regarding the type of results and improvement your particular treatment may yield. A series of treatments is recommended for maximum improvement.

What People Say About Us!

"Thank You For Helping Me - Dear Dr. Krummen, .. Thank you for helping me on my journey to wellness and happiness!"

- P.M.

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Skincare Event!

You're invited!

Friday, July 14th,

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We're hosting an in-office event! It's like Christmas in July with discounts on all your favorite skincare products and treatments. This is a great opportunity to have your skincare questions answered by our team of skin care experts!


Skin Care Product discounts and Gift with Purchase featuring ZO Skin Health!


Holiday Closure Notice

Our office will be closed beginning on December 23rd through January 2nd. We will re-open on January 3rd.
During our closure, we will have limited hours on December 28th from 10am-3pm for limited patient appointments.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

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