Becoming pregnant, carrying and delivering a child, and breastfeeding are life-changing experiences. But who said they also have to be body changing? The gain and loss of localized weight, the stress on the skin and muscles in your abdomen and breasts, and the volume loss that is part of breastfeeding all combine to leave your body dramatically different now that you have a child than it was previously.

Your breasts have started to sag, your abdomen has a pooch, there are pockets of incredibly stubborn fat, and there doesn’t seem to be much you can do about these changes.
Ah, but this new droopier, saggier you doesn’t have to stay that way. A mommy makeover with Dr. Krummen can give you back your pre-baby body…and maybe even improve upon it.
What Is A Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover combines a variety of surgical procedures that target the body areas most affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. These procedures are combined into a single surgical session, making for just a single recovery. Dr. Krummen’s mommy makeovers are tailored to each individual patient, but they generally include a tummy tuck, breast lift with or without augmentation, and liposuction.
Who Is A Candidate? For A Mommy Makeover
The localized weight gain of pregnancy is tough on the body. It can stretch the skin and muscles (even causing the muscles to separate) of the abdomen. The same is true when your breasts gain two or three cup sizes during pregnancy only to lose volume during breastfeeding. Plus, even if you’ve lost all of your pregnancy weight, odds are you now have pockets of fat in the abdomen and upper thighs that are almost impossible to target with changes in diet and exercise.
If these issues sound like you, a mommy makeover with Dr. Krummen could be a good option:
- You have stretched abdominal skin and muscle
- You have stomach pooch
- Breasts are sagging downward
- Your breasts have flattened
- Your breasts seem to have lost volume
- Experiencing pockets of abdominal fat
- You have pockets of fat on your upper thighs
It is important to note, however, that a mommy makeover is not a weight-loss procedure. Dr. Krummen wants her mommy makeover patients to be within 10 percent of their ideal body weight to qualify for these procedures.
Patient Testimonial
Read what our patients are saying!
"I’m impressed with Dr. Krummens ability to explain in detail any procedure with assurance and professionalism. I would recommend her highly (actually I just told someone about her) She is personable And her staff has always been polite and pleasant to talk to."
Click here to read more reviews.
Why Should I Combine The Procedures In A Mommy Makeover?
It can be daunting to consider having three surgical procedures at the same time. But that also is the beauty of a mommy makeover. By doing so, you’ll have only one recovery period instead of three if you opted to have the procedures performed separately.
Procedures Involved In A Mommy Makeover
A mommy makeover with Dr. Krummen usually involves the following procedures:
- Tummy Tuck
- Breast Lift
- Liposuction
Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck targets loose skin and underlying stretched or separated muscles on the abdomen. An incision is made along the bikini line, usually from hipbone to hipbone. The underlying muscles, which have been separated by the localized weight gain of pregnancy, are pulled together and sutured for a firmer abdomen and narrower waist. The skin is then pulled down and excess is trimmed away. Depending on the degree of skin removed, your belly button may be repositioned.
Breast Lift
The breast lift seeks to bring the breasts back up to a higher position on the chest. The incisions needed depend on the amount of sagging. Dr. Krummen may be able to accomplish the lift with an incision around the areola of each breast. But if more skin must be trimmed, the incision could need to extend down to the breast crease, and sometimes outward along that crease. This is known as an “anchor incision.” A lift doesn’t return lost breast volume; if you want to add volume Dr. Krummen can add breast implants to your breast lift. This is an easy extension of the procedure, as the breasts are already accessed surgically.
Stubborn pockets of fat in your abdomen and possibly your outer thighs are the targets of the liposuction portion of your mommy makeover. These areas are almost impossible to target with exercise or diet. This minimally invasive procedure uses a cannula inserted through tiny incisions to suction out pockets of unwanted fat and slim your contour. Dr. Krummen uses tumescent liposuction, where a liquid solution of saline combined with adrenaline and anesthetic is injected into the treatment areas to minimize bruising, blood loss, and to help loosen the fat.
How Long After My Final Child Should I Wait Before Having Mommy Makeover Surgery?
When you see your post-baby sagging in the mirror, you can be ready to address it now, but you need a little patience here. Dr. Krummen wants her patients to wait for at least three months after finishing breastfeeding. This allows the breasts to return to their natural cup size. Also, you may need time to lose the extra pounds from pregnancy.
It’s also important to think of the future. Dr. Krummen advises her mommy makeover patients to already have a regular exercise plan in place when they have these procedures. That makes for an easier recovery, plus it will maximize your results over time.
What If I Decide To Have Another Child After Having A Mommy Makeover?
It’s important to be sure you are not going to have any more children before you opt to have a mommy makeover. Why? The process of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding will basically wipe out your results from your surgeries. Plus, scars can stretch. Even if there is a chance you may have another child, you should postpone your mommy makeover until you are sure.
Recovery From A Mommy Makeover
We’re not going to sugar coat it — your first week of recovery is not easy. The most involved recovery is from the tummy tuck because there is a lengthy incision and muscles have been repositioned and sutured back together. Full recovery from any tummy tuck can take up to six months. You’ll wear compression garments on your hips and a compression surgical bra on your breasts. These help to minimize swelling and help your body adjust to its new slimmer contours. Plus, especially on the breasts, compression bras eliminate stress on the incisions.
Most mommy makeover patients can return to some activity in a week or two. But most lifting is off limits for six weeks. Your breast lift will keep you from lifting anything above your head for four weeks. Strenuous exercise, especially with impact, will have to wait for 4-6 weeks, depending on your unique situation.
What Should I Expect Of My Results Of Mommy Makeover Surgery?
Your results are immediate, but there will be swelling and bruising that will need to subside. If you’ve had augmentation with your lift, your implants will seem too high initially, but they will settle downward to where they should be. This can take a few weeks. Also, breast implants need to be replaced at some point, usually around 10 years or so.
Your mommy makeover changes are permanent. If you follow an exercise regimen, keep an eye on what you eat, and try and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll love the changes a mommy makeover provides forever.
Schedule A Consultation
If you are tired of looking at your post-baby body, and you are ready to address it now, contact our office at 513.985.0850 to schedule a consultation today.