Physical Preparation for Liposuction
Liposuction is an excellent solution for stubborn fat. It is not, on its own, the end-all-be-all. Physical preparation before surgery enables you to reduce your surgical risks, hasten recovery, and enjoy long-term results. To be physically prepared for your procedure, just:
- Lock in your healthy eating habits. If you are scheduled for liposuction, it’s safe to say you want to have a slim, svelte body. Chances are, you are already doing what is necessary to maintain a healthy weight, including limiting sugar and alcohol and loading up on fresh vegetables, lean meat, and healthy fats. These foods give your body the energy it will need to heal well and also to keep its metabolism humming right along after your procedure.
- Make sure you enjoy your exercise. One of the biggest obstacles to an ongoing exercise routine is not actually liking the process. If you don’t like the idea of lifting weights, get your strength training in the pilates studio or a cross-fit gym that is more strenuous but also more creative. If you don’t love endless spinning on a stationary bike, hit a trail or take a dance class. The choices are endless, which is a great thing to bust through boredom with exercise.
Mental Preparation for Liposuction
It is only natural to have some degree of emotional challenges after any kind of surgery. To prepare for liposuction, you can:
- Set your desired outcome in front of yourself. You can do this mentally or literally. Are you having liposuction to fit into the little black dress or slim-fit pants for the holidays? Hang that item of clothing where you will see it every day! Don’t have the item or specific objective? Spend time envisioning how you will look and feel once you have fully recovered from your body-shaping treatment.
- Get support. You will likely have no problem getting in and out of bed after liposuction. You may be up and taking short walks the day after your procedure. Support may not need to be in the realm of direct assistance, but it doesn’t hurt to have someone around who will cook for a few days and make sure the kids and pets are well taken care of. Having a support system can ease your mind and reduce the chances that you may face guilty feelings for doing something wonderful for yourself. If nothing else, have a friend or two on stand-by who can keep you company for a short while.
Liposuction is an exciting procedure and one that patients rarely regret. If you have questions about your scheduled procedure or are interested in scheduling liposuction, contact our Cincinnati office at 513.985.0850.