In one European study of more than 1,500 patients, some who had undergone elective cosmetic surgery and some who had not, the patients who underwent various procedures self-reported positive psychological and social effects. These patients used terms like “less anxious,” “more attractive,” “whole,” and “healthier” to describe their general feelings after cosmetic surgery.
The European study confirmed findings that had been revealed in a previous study out of Cornell University. In this 2008 study, 95% of participants who had undergone breast lift surgery stated a sensation of improved well-being after their procedure. Patients who had undergone facial cosmetic treatments reported feeling more satisfied with their appearance and less anxious in general. Observation of 105 patients who had undergone various surgical procedures to improve appearance found that the majority of them reported massive improvement in the quality of life, including better relationships and social success, six months after surgery.
Cause and Effect
Numerous studies have indicated that facial expression is the basis for much of human interaction. Just by observing a person’s face, we develop a perception of their character and personality. Research in which images revealing specific facial characteristics were observed confirmed that most people perceive heavy eyelids, drooping brows, and downturned corners of the mouth as unfriendly or angry. Regardless of the natural cause for these characteristics, facial aging, the effect is that people may be less likely to approach someone who appears angry, tired, and generally unapproachable.
We often assume that facial rejuvenation procedures such as blepharoplasty, brow lift surgery, and even injectable treatments are all about looking younger. Not so. When you visit our Cincinnati office, we can also help you bring more friendliness to your face.
Contact us to learn more about surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation at 513.985.0850.