Mommy Makeover treatment addresses the various areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. This makeover is popular because concerns are addressed in a single surgical process. The typical Mommy Makeover consists of 2 to 3 surgical techniques, such as breast lift, breast augmentation, liposuction, and abdominoplasty. By combining techniques, risks and recovery are diminished while rewards are maximized. Understandably, the idea of multiple procedures at once can seem intimidating. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered with simple tips to help you recover well.
Arrange Sufficient Time Off
Surgeons typically advise patients to take 2 weeks off from a desk job and 3 or 4 weeks off from a job that is more physically demanding. It is important to acknowledge motherhood itself as a physically demanding job. Therefore, for the month after a Mommy Makeover, patients will need additional hands on deck taking care of children, pets, and the home.
Healthy Habits to Embrace after a Mommy Makeover
Healthy habits feed the mind and body during the healing process. Suggestions from doctors and patients include:
Manage stress. Moms fill many roles, most of which need to be handed off to lower stress after surgery. Prepare with tasks such as:
- Meal prep before surgery so quick, healthy meals are readily available.
- Create a chore chart for the family.
- Create a “caregiver” list to include those who will help with bathing, medications, and keeping company.
- Handle all loose ends at work before surgery. Let work associates know you are unreachable for at least one week after surgery.
- Change your voicemail to reflect that you are unavailable until a certain date.
- Have the house cleaned the day before surgery so you return from surgery to a stress-free environment.
Prioritize Hydration
We are advised to drink 8 glasses of water a day. That equates to 64 ounces. However, when recovering from surgery and taking prescription pain medications, dehydration may occur more easily. At this time, it is beneficial to increase water consumption to at least 80 ounces of water a day. Prioritize hydration by:
- Keeping a large water bottle on the nightstand or wherever you are resting. Make water more interesting by adding sliced lemon or cucumber to the bottle. Cranberry juice can also be mixed in to add flavor.
- Eat water-dense foods like cucumbers, celery, watermelon, and citrus fruits.
- Keep a humidifier in your space to hydrate from the outside in.
Read Some Books
One of the toughest parts about surgical recovery is that boredom can set in very quickly. After a Mommy Makeover, you cannot exercise for several weeks. While you can take short walks, this doesn’t take up much of your time. The recovery period after a Mommy Makeover is a great time to read that book you bought but never opened. Other options include coloring, word-searches or crossword puzzles. The point is to keep your mind occupied and fed with uplifting or intriguing entertainment. This strategy is very useful in preventing the blues that can occur after surgery.
Stay in the Positive
Being surrounded by positivity is good for all of us at any time, but especially when healing from surgery.
- Put positive quotes where you can see them
- Write in a journal
- Diffuse calming or uplifting essential oils (think lavender and wild orange)
- Open the windows to enjoy fresh air and sunlight
- Play uplifting music
- Keep in touch with close friends
Now is a great time to learn more about a Mommy Makeover. To schedule a consultation in our Cincinnati office, call 513.985.0850.