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Can Plastic Surgery Help with Menopausal Weight Gain?

The symptoms of menopause are relatively well-known. At least some of them are. People typically associate this life passage with frustrating side effects like mood swings, insomnia, and low sex drive. Well, there are several other concerns to add to the list. Abdominal weight gain is one we will discuss here.

Why Women Gain Weight During Menopause

Even amidst the hot flashes and heart palpitations and bad mood, women who are in the process of menstrual changes often cannot help but notice that they’re gaining a little extra width around the midsection. Abdominal weight gain often occurs regardless of a woman’s activity levels and calorie intake. Sometimes, there is no change on the scale, and yet there is a change in shape. While the abdomen is a common hot spot for fat accumulation, this problem may also affect the hips, thighs, and buttocks.

As you may have guessed, the accumulation of abdominal fat is related to hormones. Even before a woman reaches menopause, her hormones are fluctuating. Estrogen may rise and fall more intensely than it has since adolescence. Estrogen fluctuations can lead to the unequal distribution of subcutaneous fat. In addition to hormones, a woman’s shape may also be affected by naturally-declining metabolism. Again, this is related to hormones. Metabolism dictates how well the body burns fat. When it declines, the body is less effective at burning calories as fuel. Without calorie reduction or a sharp increase in physical activity, a woman can expect to gain weight during her perimenopause years.

Losing Weight During Perimenopause

Whether you are experiencing perimenopause or have transitioned past menopause, there are several reasons to manage abdominal fat. Doing so reduces the risk of deep visceral fat forming around internal organs. Subcutaneous fat, the kind that can be eliminated with liposuction, is less medically concerning but more cosmetically concerning. Subcutaneous fat can stick out when you wear a loose dress or blouse. It can hang over jeans as a muffin top and can generally make you feel less confident in your appearance. Fortunately, there are options for maintaining your ideal weight and shape as you age.

Diet and exercise are optimal habits regardless of whether or not you choose a procedure like liposuction to help you attain a cosmetic goal. What you eat and how much you move (even how you move) affects muscle mass and future metabolism. Experts suggest that women should engage not only in cardiovascular exercise but also in strength training. Lifting light weights or doing yoga supports strong muscles and healthy bones.

While liposuction is not intended for weight loss or management, it is a popular procedure among women who want to redesign their midsection by eliminating stubborn abdominal fat. Are you ready to see a slimmer you? Contact our Cincinnati office at 513.985.0850 to schedule your consultation.

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