What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a body contouring procedure. It is not intended for weight loss, though people who sculpt larger areas with liposuction, such as the abdomen or the thighs, may see a small dip on the scale. Some patients may undergo liposuction with tumescent fluid, a local anesthetic, and light sedation. Others may prefer to receive general anesthesia for their surgery. After anesthesia has numbed the treatment area, small incisions are made to accommodate a thin cannula. This small tube is moved back and forth through subcutaneous fat, suctioning fat cells and leaving channels behind for surrounding fat to fill in. This results in a smooth, slim appearance.
What happens after liposuction surgery?
Liposuction is a minor surgery that does not cut or trim away tissue like many other procedures. Once the anesthesia has begun to wear off, patients are released to the care of a loved one who will take them home and stay with them for the remainder of the day. A compression garment is applied after surgery to promote shaping and to control swelling. Usually, over-the-counter medication is sufficient for pain management. Normal activities can be resumed in as little as a few days up to approximately one week, depending on the area that has been treated. By 4 to 6 weeks post-op, most normal activities can be resumed, including strenuous exercise.
Liposuction can be an excellent complement to your healthy lifestyle. To get your ideal shape by summer, contact our Cincinnati office today. Call 513.985.0850 to schedule your liposuction consultation with Dr. Krummen.