Facelift sur
You Don’t Look Like “You” Anymore
Aging is not limited to the development of lines and creases around the nose and mouth or on the forehead. One of the reasons that wrinkles develop is because the face is changing shape slowly but surely. This change in shape happens because the fat pads in the mid-face break down. Collagen protein fibers beneath the skin break down as well. Finally, the bone structure around the eyes degrades as we age. Combined, these structural changes lead to sagging at the sides of the jaw (jowls), submental fullness (double chin), and deep nasolabial creases. The face may look longer or wider than it used to. One of the best things that a facelift does is make you look like You again!
Skincare and Injectables Aren’t Getting the Job Done Anymore
When the signs of aging are mild to moderate, it is often possible to address them with quality skincare, strict sun protection, and injectables, when the time comes. The more that the face changes shape, though, the more challenging it can be to restore youthfulness using only these techniques. There is only so much dermal filler that can be used before the face starts to look puffy and unnatural. The purpose of having a facelift is to restore the look you had enjoyed throughout your earlier adult years. Dr. Krummen carefully repositions tissue and trims skin to achieve the most natural restoration of your younger self. The benefit of this, too, is that the results of a facelift last much longer than dermal filler treatments.
There are a few telltale signs that you’re ready for a facelift. We can help you make a confident decision about when to have surgery by evaluating your skin and providing you with detailed information about this procedure. To schedule your consultation in our Cincinnati office, call 513.985.0850.