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Are You Wondering What to Expect from a Facelift?

Facelift Cincinnati OH Facelift surgery has persisted in its popularity even as the last two decades have brought us numerous non-surgical methods of refreshing the face. While we routinely use Botox and other injectables to smooth lines and correct mild to moderate signs of aging, there are times when we need to up our game. Facelift surgery is how we do that. If you’ve been using injectables and are wondering what more you could gain from a facelift, you’re asking a great question. Here are a few of the facelift details you need to know.

  1. A lifted face isn’t a wrinkle-free face. A standard facelift does not correct all of the signs of aging that occur. This is because this anti-aging technique focuses on the lower face. Incisions are made in the ear area where the lower cheeks, jowls, and neck can be adjusted. Therefore, do not expect to be free of crow’s feet and worry lines after your facelift. Don’t worry, though; we have ways to correct these problems.
  2. Your face can look great for years. One of the main reasons to undergo a facelift as opposed to injectable and laser treatments is because the results of surgical technique last longer. They are also more dramatic, but that’s another story. After a facelift, many patients look about ten years younger than they did before surgery. Ten years after surgery, they still look many years younger. The more you pamper your skin with nutritious foods and quality products, the longer your results can last.
  3. Lifting tissue is just one way to refresh the face. Before extensive research was put into dermal fillers and other anti-aging techniques, the standard facelift procedure involved lifting skin and underlying tissue to a higher seat on the skeletal structure of the face. This was good, but we could do better. Today, facelift surgery attempts to reposition tissue in a way that puts adequate volume back where it should be across the midface. Tissue lifting doesn’t always achieve this to the degree we want, so dermal fillers or fat injections may also play an integral role in maximizing facial rejuvenation.

Facelift surgery is still relevant and can offer huge rewards. Learn more by scheduling a consultation in our Cincinnati office at 513.985.0850.

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Friday, July 14th,

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Our office will be closed beginning on December 23rd through January 2nd. We will re-open on January 3rd.
During our closure, we will have limited hours on December 28th from 10am-3pm for limited patient appointments.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

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