There are two particular reasons why the eyes are typically the first part of the face to show the signs of aging. One is that the skin on the eyelids become loose. This happens because collagen, the protein that firms the skin, degrades over time. This could be due to aging, sun exposure, and other factors. Additionally, the eyebrows sink further downward with age. This could also relate to collagen loss, but also has to do with the muscles on the forehead pulling the brows South.
Refreshing the Face Through the Eyes
The eyes have been called the windows to the soul. This could be because this part of the face reflects our emotions. The eyes also portray our inner vibrancy. If tissue is sagging over the natural crease of the eyes or, in severe cases, over the lash line, we look tired. If the eyebrows are not in proper position, we may look downright unapproachable. Neither is acceptable. The key to resolving this issue is to know where the problem lies. A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon can identify the problem and how to fix it.
Rejuvenating the Eyelids
Upper blepharoplasty is the technique that surgeons use to tighten up loose eyelid tissue. This procedure is conducted through small, discreet incisions through which muscle and fatty tissue are removed or repositioned on the eyelid. The overlying skin is then pulled upward and trimmed as needed to restore a smooth surface.
Lifting the Brow
The brow line has a specific location. On men, this is just at the curve of the upper orbital rim, the bony structure above the eye. On women, the brows should sit just above this ridge. If your eyebrows are below that target, the tissue on your upper eyelids may be pushed down. You can know if your eyebrows are the problem by using your fingers to pull the brows up. If this lifts your upper eyelids to the point at which you can see your natural crease, a brow lift may be your ideal solution. Sometimes, a sagging brow coincides with upper eyelid laxity and a combination blepharoplasty and brow lift is needed.
A brow lift involves incisions behind the hairline. Through these small openings, muscle and connective tissue on the forehead can be lifted and secured into a higher position. This not only lifts the brow to the upper orbital rim but it also smooths frown lines and worry lines.
Is it Time for a Refresher?
Dr. Donna Krummen is an esteemed plastic surgeon who is happy to serve patients in the Cincinnati area. To consult with her about how to refresh your eyes, call 513.985.0850.