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Did you Know that Breast Lift Surgery Can Do This?

Breast Lift Cincinnati OH | Donna Krummen MD, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery When we talk about ways to enhance the overall appearance of the breasts, it is usually breast augmentation that gets all the attention. Dr. Krummen performs numerous breast implant surgeries every year and enjoys helping women obtain the shape they desire. Sometimes, though, the problems that exist can be handled in another way: breast lifts surgery.

Why Breast Lift Surgery May be Necessary

Look, every woman is going to notice changes in the structure of her breasts at some point. This change is as inevitable as the development of lines and wrinkles on the face. The idea isn’t to prevent it; it is to support a woman’s well-being through appropriate and personal care. Breast lift surgery is performed with the intent of reinstating proper form.

How A Breast Lift Restores Form

Here are some of the ways that proper form is restored through breast lift surgery.


One of the most common complaints that women express is the sag that has occurred in breast tissue over time. Sometimes, this occurs later in life. Sometimes, breasts start to droop after weight loss or pregnancy and breastfeeding. Whatever the reason, the concern is valid. During her younger years, a woman gets used to her breasts being a littler higher up on her chest, a little perky and firm. Breast lift surgery can recreate this by literally lifting the tissue that supports the breasts.


When the hammock of tissue in which the breasts sit loses its structure, everything from position to shape changes. Breasts that used to have the volume all the way around may now carry all weight at the bottom pole, with a steep slope taking over the upper pole. Depending on the nature of degradation in supportive tissue, breasts may also appear to narrow into longer tubes (tubular breasts). Again, the key to beautiful change is to restructure the tissue that holds breasts in place. In this instance, it isn’t so much a higher position but the smaller nuances of structure that lend to voluptuousness.

Let’s Talk about The Nipples

Nipples are not pardoned from the metamorphosis of breast tissue. As a part of natural breast changes, there may be a change in the direction of the nipples. This means that they point downward instead of outward, exacerbating the saggy appearance that has developed.

Schedule a Consultation

Breasts that have changed position, shape, and direction may not need extra volume. To learn more about breast lift surgery, contact our office at 513.985.0850 to schedule a consultation.

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Our office will be closed beginning on December 23rd through January 2nd. We will re-open on January 3rd.
During our closure, we will have limited hours on December 28th from 10am-3pm for limited patient appointments.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

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