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Take the Straightest Path Toward Your Best Self

Take the Straightest Path Toward Your Best Self | Body Procedures Cincinnati OH There is a typical journey that plastic surgery patients go on. It often goes like this: a person feels dissatisfied with some aspect of their appearance. They develop the idea that cosmetic surgery or other treatment may help. They look up that surgical or non-surgical procedure online or talk with friends or colleagues to obtain information. Now, here’s the kicker . . . that person eventually schedules a formal consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. It is during this visit when they may discover the procedure they thought they needed isn’t really what they need at all.

The Matter of Fat

Often, the intent behind seeking plastic surgery is to eliminate fat that has adhered to a certain part of the body. One of the most common places affected by excess fat is the midsection. Therefore, a large number of people seek liposuction to remove abdominal fat. The real reason for seeking surgery is that they wish to have a midsection that is slimmer and firmer. Once the consultation takes place, and we understand this as the ultimate goal, we may need to suggest abdominoplasty in conjunction with liposuction. It is a misunderstanding that liposuction can address the totality of need in the midsection. Often, the looseness of skin and underlying tissue dictates that a bit more refinement is needed. If laxity exists, to only remove fat would make that problem more obvious.

The Chin and Jawline

Another procedure that has grown in popularity in recent years is the neck lift. There are complaints for which this procedure is ideal, such as loose skin on the neck, what we often call a “turkey neck.” Horizontal bands across the neck can also be reduced during a neck lift. Where many patients get surprised is when they state they want to reduce jowls at the side of the jawline. This is not a job for neck lift surgery; it falls into the realm of the face lift. To refine the neck and not address the loss of volume that has caused jowls may make this problem appear worse. The good news is that it may be possible to reduce the appearance of jowls without surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

One of the aspects of professional care that makes it so special is the personal touch that goes into treatment planning. Learn more about the treatments that we may use to help you look your best. Contact our Cincinnati office at 513.985.0850.

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Skincare Event!

You're invited!

Friday, July 14th,

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We're hosting an in-office event! It's like Christmas in July with discounts on all your favorite skincare products and treatments. This is a great opportunity to have your skincare questions answered by our team of skin care experts!


Skin Care Product discounts and Gift with Purchase featuring ZO Skin Health!


Holiday Closure Notice

Our office will be closed beginning on December 23rd through January 2nd. We will re-open on January 3rd.
During our closure, we will have limited hours on December 28th from 10am-3pm for limited patient appointments.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

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